BEST OF 2016

I started the year out with the goal to travel more, spend more time with family and transform more spaces than I did in 2015.
However, unlike 2015, this year was not one of my best or hardest yet. This was a year that I would consider my “rollercoaster.” There were so many amazing highs, like officially registering my company! Working on 12 Amazing projects which were featured in top magazines. Traveling to all the great Baltic cities, Judging the InsideOut Home of the Year 2016 Awards, giving a talk during IKEA's 25 years in the UAE event and making people happy by giving away gifts for over 8K AED through amazing partnerships.
But there were also the lowest of lows, discovering that running and managing your entire Interiors & blog business “in house” is {very} challenging, and learning to manage the re-occuring anxieties that come with living in a world filled with socioeconomic pressure along with having two kids and being a woman in Business where other women see you as competition! Ladies rest assured there are plenty of projects out there for everyone!
When you look back at a rollercoaster do you ever regret ever taking the ride? Hardly ever. Because there is no greater feeling than reaching the highest peak, where your stomach drops in your soul and reminds you of what it feels like to be alive. The truth is, you can find life in the low moments too. When you are coming to grips with what it means to be alive. Where do we go after? What is the meaning of life.
We cannot take the highs without the lows, nor can we truly appreciate the still moments in between where life seems to happen and before we know it {blink} another year has passed by.
I have never felt more thankful to have this creative space to share my life. It was thanks to all of you that I felt encouraged, nurtured and inspired to keep going, to keep my chin up and to keep searching for that “high.” Thank you for giving me this safe place to always find solace and a community of people who support one another.
You are my high. Every one of you. Cheers to a wonderful year and to 2017.